SMSC (Assemblies)
Every Jigsaw lesson from Early Years to upper primary offers opportunities for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, and this is clearly mapped and balanced across each year group. Likewise, Jigsaw is designed to provide structured opportunities in every lesson to practice and enhance the five skills associated with emotional literacy (self-awareness, social skills, empathy, motivation, and managing feelings). At Upton, we believe that these opportunities are vital for children’s development, their understanding of themselves and others, and in increasing their capacity to learn. The following grids give a quick visual reference and summary of where these opportunities
sit within Jigsaw.
Our weekly values assemblies are mapped out in conjunction with the overarching half-termly Jigsaw themes whilst focussing on the value of 'Respect'. Each half term, there is a whole school 'take action' focus where children are invited to develop their knowledge and understanding by taking part in a home learning project which is then shared and celebrated at the end of each half term.
Another important aspect of promoting children's spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development is ensuring that children have a clear understanding of how to keep themselves safe and consent. This is covered through the weekly Jigsaw PSHE lesson and through the school's value assembly program. The Jigsaw PSHE 3-16 Approach to Safeguarding and Consent document can be found below which explains Jigsaw's approach to it and provides a grid detailing where the curriculum teaches this either implicitly or explicitly.
Each weekly assembly draws attention to the underpinning of British Values; the school value of Respect; exploring and understanding of the assembly theme; an opportunity to reflect and a 'take away' of the day. This learning is then revisited as part of the weekly jigsaw assembly and PSHE lesson.