Welcome from the Headteacher


Learn and Believe

Aspire and Achieve

At Upton Primary school we believe that every child deserves a big future. Together, we aim to teach our children that they can achieve their very best in everything they do and that hard work and determination are the keys to success in life. We encourage one another to understand that diversity is to be celebrated both on our doorstep and beyond and that our community and future are firmly built on the value of Respect.

We know that all children need to feel happy and safe both in and out of school and take pride in the manner in which we behave to one another. We look outwardly in our pursuit of improvement and believe that collaboration with other schools, parents and providers will bring new opportunities for our children. We are seeking new, innovative ways of learning while remembering that the past can teach us much. We are continually building and refining our curriculum that must engage, interest and excite, whilst giving every child the knowledge, skills and understanding that will underpin their future choices in learning and life.

With an eye to the future we understand that we and our children live in a rapidly changing world, perhaps never more so than now. We embrace change for the better and challenge ourselves to create an excellent education for every child, while remembering to have fun along the way.

Mrs A Robinson
Head Teacher